Kanzaki’s NV5 is a compact, vertical machine for turning that delivers high speed, precision, and a strong performance.
With a reduced width and increased internal dimensions, the NV5 delivers a smoother chipping flow.
By utilizing loaders and robotics, work relating to mounting and dismounting has been further reduced.
With a variety of additional options, flexible transfer lines (FTL) can be achieved with ease.
Additionally, the NV5 is ideal for processing relating to pistons and gear spacing.
Indexing time of the turret = 0.18sec./index
High feed with X and Z Axis X=20m/min. Z=18m/min.
It will be is successful high quality and reducing cuttingtime. (MV5A)
The MV5A vertical lathe is built specifically for single chuck processing of both the flange and pinhole sides of segmented crankshafts.
Additionally, it delivers on the most critical part of the process?precisely maintaining horizontal and vertical dimensions for components on segmented crankshafts, resulting in a quieter engine.
The MV5A allows the user to get the best out of having a vertical lathe, providing precision, speed and reduced time for processing.